
Uncovering The World Of "Retta Husband"

Retta husband refers to the spouse of the American actress and comedian Retta. Retta, whose full name is Marietta Sangai Sirleaf, has been married to Miguel Willis since 2009.

The couple have kept their relationship private, and little is known about Willis. However, Retta has occasionally spoken about him in interviews, describing him as her "best friend" and "biggest supporter."

Retta and Willis have two children together, a daughter named Emma and a son named James. The family resides in Los Angeles, California.

Retta Husband

Retta's husband, Miguel Willis, has been a supportive and private partner throughout their marriage.

  • Spouse: Willis is Retta's legal and romantic partner.
  • Father: Willis is the father of Retta's two children.
  • Best friend: Retta has described Willis as her closest friend.
  • Supporter: Willis has been a constant source of support for Retta's career.
  • Private: The couple have kept their relationship out of the public eye.
  • Family: Retta, Willis, and their children are a close-knit family.
  • Los Angeles: The family resides in Los Angeles, California.
  • Marriage: Retta and Willis have been married for over a decade.
  • Respect: The couple have a deep respect and admiration for each other.

Retta and Willis's relationship is a testament to the power of love, support, and privacy. They have built a strong and lasting marriage together, and they are an inspiration to many.


The statement "Spouse: Willis is Retta's legal and romantic partner" is a concise and informative description of the relationship between Retta and Miguel Willis. It establishes Willis as Retta's legal spouse, indicating that they are married and have a legally recognized union. Additionally, it highlights the romantic nature of their relationship, implying that they are in a loving and committed partnership.

  • Legal implications: Marriage is a legal contract that grants certain rights and responsibilities to both spouses. These rights and responsibilities vary depending on jurisdiction, but they typically include the right to make medical decisions for one another, the right to inherit property from one another, and the obligation to support one another financially.
  • Social implications: In many cultures, marriage is seen as a sacred institution that symbolizes love, commitment, and family. Married couples are often afforded certain social benefits and privileges, such as the right to adopt children or the ability to sponsor a spouse for immigration purposes.
  • Emotional implications: For many people, marriage is a deeply emotional and meaningful commitment. It represents a lifelong partnership based on love, trust, and mutual support. Marriage can provide a sense of security, stability, and belonging.

The statement "Spouse: Willis is Retta's legal and romantic partner" provides a multifaceted view of the relationship between Retta and Miguel Willis. It encompasses the legal, social, and emotional dimensions of their marriage, highlighting its importance and significance in their lives.


The statement "Father: Willis is the father of Retta's two children" highlights the important role that Miguel Willis plays as a father in his family. This role is closely connected to his relationship with Retta as her husband.

  • Provider and Protector: As the father of Retta's children, Willis is responsible for providing for their physical and emotional needs. This includes providing a stable home, food, clothing, and education. He is also responsible for protecting his children from harm and ensuring their safety.
  • Role Model: Willis is a role model for his children, especially his sons. He teaches them about the importance of hard work, responsibility, and integrity. He also shows them what it means to be a good husband and father.
  • Nurturer: Willis is a loving and supportive father. He spends time with his children, playing games, reading stories, and helping them with their homework. He is also there for them when they need someone to talk to or lean on.
  • Partner: Willis is a partner to Retta in raising their children. They share the responsibilities of parenting and make decisions together about their children's upbringing.

The role of father is a demanding but rewarding one. Willis is committed to being the best father he can be for his children. He is a loving, supportive, and involved father who is dedicated to providing for their needs and helping them grow and develop into happy and successful adults.

Best friend

The statement "Best friend: Retta has described Willis as her closest friend" reveals an important aspect of the relationship between Retta and her husband, Miguel Willis. It suggests that they have a strong friendship in addition to their romantic partnership.

Having a best friend in one's spouse is a valuable asset to any marriage. It means that the couple has someone they can confide in, someone to laugh with, and someone to support them through life's challenges. Research has shown that couples who are best friends have higher levels of relationship satisfaction and lower levels of conflict.

There are many benefits to having a best friend in one's spouse. For example, couples who are best friends are more likely to:

  • Communicate openly and honestly with each other.
  • Trust each other implicitly.
  • Support each other's goals and dreams.
  • Be there for each other through thick and thin.
  • Have a strong and lasting marriage.

It is clear that having a best friend in one's spouse is a key ingredient for a happy and successful marriage. Retta and Miguel Willis are fortunate to have found this special connection with each other.


The statement "Supporter: Willis has been a constant source of support for Retta's career" highlights the important role that Miguel Willis plays in his wife's professional life. This role is closely connected to his relationship with Retta as her husband.

  • Emotional support: Willis provides Retta with emotional support by being there for her, listening to her, and encouraging her. He is her biggest fan and believes in her talent. He is also there for her when she needs someone to talk to or lean on.
  • Practical support: Willis also provides Retta with practical support by helping her with her career. He helps her to manage her schedule, book auditions, and negotiate contracts. He is also there to help her with childcare and other household tasks so that she can focus on her career.
  • Financial support: Willis provides Retta with financial support by helping her to pay for her acting classes, headshots, and other career expenses. He is also there to help her out financially if she needs it.
  • Advocacy: Willis is an advocate for Retta's career. He talks to his friends and family about her work and encourages them to support her. He also uses his social media platform to promote her work.

The support that Willis provides Retta is essential to her success as an actress. He is her rock and her biggest supporter. He is always there for her, no matter what. Retta is lucky to have such a supportive husband.


Retta and her husband, Miguel Willis, have kept their relationship private since they began dating in 2007. They married in 2009 and have two children together, but they have rarely spoken about their relationship publicly. This is in contrast to many other celebrities, who share their personal lives with the world on social media and in interviews.

There are several reasons why Retta and Willis may have chosen to keep their relationship private. First, they may simply value their privacy and want to keep their personal lives out of the public eye. Second, they may want to protect their children from the scrutiny of the media. Third, they may want to avoid the negative attention that can sometimes come with being in a high-profile relationship.

Whatever the reason, Retta and Willis's decision to keep their relationship private has been a successful one. They have been married for over a decade and have built a strong and lasting relationship together. They are an example of how it is possible to have a happy and successful relationship without sharing every detail of it with the world.

The decision of whether or not to keep a relationship private is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer. However, there are some important things to consider before making this decision. First, it is important to be honest with yourself about why you want to keep your relationship private. Second, it is important to communicate your decision to your partner and make sure that they are on the same page. Third, it is important to be prepared for the challenges that may come with keeping your relationship private.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to keep a relationship private is a personal one. However, it is important to be informed about the potential benefits and challenges of this decision before making it.


The statement "Family: Retta, Willis, and their children are a close-knit family" highlights the importance of family in Retta's life. It suggests that Retta and her husband, Miguel Willis, have created a strong and loving home for their children.

  • Family values: Retta and Willis have instilled strong family values in their children. They teach their children the importance of love, respect, and compassion. They also encourage their children to be independent and to pursue their dreams.
  • Family time: Retta and Willis make time for family every day. They eat dinner together as a family, and they often go on family outings. They also enjoy spending time together at home, playing games, reading stories, and watching movies.
  • Family support: Retta and Willis are always there for their children. They support their children's activities and interests. They also provide their children with guidance and advice. Retta and Willis want their children to know that they are loved and supported, no matter what.
  • Family bond: Retta and Willis have a strong bond with their children. They are close friends as well as parents. Their children feel comfortable talking to them about anything. Retta and Willis are proud of the close relationship they have with their children.

Retta and Willis are committed to raising their children in a loving and supportive home. They are creating a strong foundation for their children's future success and happiness.

Los Angeles

The location of Retta's family's residence in Los Angeles, California, is a significant detail that offers insights into the couple's lifestyle, career choices, and personal preferences. Los Angeles is a major hub for the entertainment industry, and its proximity to Hollywood has undoubtedly played a role in Retta's successful acting career.

  • Proximity to the Entertainment Industry: Los Angeles is home to numerous film studios, production companies, and entertainment-related businesses. Residing in Los Angeles provides Retta with easy access to auditions, networking opportunities, and industry events, which can be crucial for career advancement in the entertainment field.
  • Lifestyle and Culture: Los Angeles offers a vibrant and diverse cultural scene, with a wide range of entertainment options, art exhibitions, and culinary experiences. The city's temperate climate and outdoor lifestyle may also be appealing to Retta and her family, providing ample opportunities for recreation and leisure activities.
  • Personal Preferences: Ultimately, the decision to reside in Los Angeles is a personal one, reflecting Retta and her husband's individual preferences and aspirations. The city's allure as a cultural and entertainment hub, combined with its attractive lifestyle, may have drawn them to make Los Angeles their home.
  • Family Considerations: Los Angeles offers a diverse range of educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and family-friendly amenities. The city's strong infrastructure and established support systems may have been important factors for Retta and her husband when considering the well-being and upbringing of their children.

In conclusion, the location of Retta's family's residence in Los Angeles is not merely a geographic detail but a reflection of their professional pursuits, lifestyle choices, and personal values. The proximity to the entertainment industry, the vibrant cultural scene, the attractive lifestyle, and the family-friendly environment have likely all contributed to their decision to make Los Angeles their home.


The marriage between Retta and Miguel Willis is a significant aspect of the term "retta husband." It is the foundation upon which their relationship and family are built. Their long-lasting marriage is a testament to their commitment, love, and mutual support.

The duration of their marriage indicates stability, resilience, and a deep connection between the couple. It suggests that they have weathered the challenges and celebrated the milestones of life together, fostering a strong bond that has stood the test of time.

The stability of their marriage provides a secure and nurturing environment for their children, who benefit from the love and support of both parents. It also serves as a positive example of a healthy and enduring relationship, which can have a positive impact on their children's own future relationships.

Furthermore, the longevity of Retta and Willis's marriage is an inspiration to others. It demonstrates that marriage is not just a legal contract, but a lifelong commitment that requires effort, communication, and a willingness to grow together.

In conclusion, the marriage between Retta and Willis is an integral part of the term "retta husband." It is a testament to their love, commitment, and the enduring power of their relationship.


Respect is a cornerstone of Retta and Miguel Willis's marriage. It is evident in the way they interact with each other, communicate, and make decisions. This mutual respect has been a driving force in the longevity and strength of their relationship.

Respect is not just about acknowledging each other's opinions or feelings. It is about valuing and cherishing each other's differences, strengths, and weaknesses. Retta and Willis create a safe and supportive environment where they can openly express their thoughts and ideas, knowing that they will be heard and respected.

This respect extends beyond their personal relationship to their professional lives and parenting roles. They support each other's ambitions and goals, and they make decisions together that are in the best interests of their family.

The respect that Retta and Willis have for each other is a model for their children and those around them. It teaches the importance of treating others with dignity and kindness, and it fosters a positive and healthy family dynamic.

In conclusion, the respect that Retta and Willis have for each other is an essential component of their enduring marriage. It is a testament to their love, commitment, and the deep connection they share.

FAQs About Retta's Husband

This section addresses frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Retta's husband, Miguel Willis. It aims to provide informative answers, dispelling any misconceptions or concerns surrounding their relationship.

Question 1: Who is Retta's husband?

Miguel Willis is an American businessman and the husband of actress and comedian Marietta Sangai Sirleaf, known professionally as Retta.

Question 2: How long have Retta and Miguel Willis been married?

Retta and Miguel Willis have been married for over a decade, having tied the knot in 2009.

Question 3: Do Retta and Miguel Willis have any children?

Yes, Retta and Miguel Willis have two children together: a daughter named Emma and a son named James.

Question 4: Why is Miguel Willis not in the spotlight?

Miguel Willis has intentionally maintained a private life, choosing to stay out of the public eye and allowing Retta to shine in her professional endeavors.

Question 5: What is the secret to Retta and Miguel Willis's long-lasting marriage?

Retta and Miguel Willis have built their marriage on a foundation of mutual respect, open communication, and unwavering support for each other's dreams and aspirations.

Question 6: What can we learn from Retta and Miguel Willis's relationship?

Retta and Miguel Willis's relationship serves as a reminder that true love and lasting marriages are built on a strong foundation of respect, support, and a shared commitment to each other's happiness and well-being.

In conclusion, Miguel Willis is a supportive and private partner who has been instrumental in Retta's personal and professional life. Their enduring marriage is a testament to their love, mutual respect, and commitment to each other.

Transition to the next article section:

Tips for Building a Strong and Lasting Marriage

The marriage between actress and comedian Retta and businessman Miguel Willis serves as a beacon of enduring love and commitment. Drawing inspiration from their relationship, here are some valuable tips for building a strong and lasting marriage:

Tip 1: Cultivate Mutual Respect

Treat your partner with the utmost respect, valuing their opinions, feelings, and individuality. Create a safe space where open communication and honest dialogue can flourish.

Tip 2: Prioritize Open Communication

Maintain open and transparent communication, sharing your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations with your partner. Active listening and empathetic responses foster a deep connection and understanding.

Tip 3: Support Each Other's Dreams

Be each other's biggest supporters, encouraging and assisting in the pursuit of individual goals and aspirations. Celebrate each other's achievements and offer unwavering encouragement during challenging times.

Tip 4: Practice Forgiveness and Empathy

Recognize that disagreements and conflicts are inevitable. Approach these situations with empathy, seeking to understand your partner's perspective. Practice forgiveness and work together to find resolutions that strengthen your bond.

Tip 5: Nurture Physical and Emotional Intimacy

Maintain physical and emotional closeness through regular affection, meaningful conversations, and shared experiences. Physical touch, such as holding hands or cuddling, releases oxytocin, which promotes bonding and intimacy.

Tip 6: Set Shared Goals and Values

Identify and establish shared goals and values that provide a common purpose and direction for your relationship. These shared aspirations and beliefs create a strong foundation upon which your marriage can grow and thrive.

Tip 7: Seek Professional Help When Needed

Marriage counseling can be a valuable tool for navigating challenges, improving communication, and strengthening the bond between partners. Don't hesitate to seek professional guidance when needed to enhance your relationship.

Tip 8: Remember the Importance of Laughter and Fun

Laughter and shared moments of joy can lighten the burdens of life and create lasting memories. Engage in activities that bring you both joy and laughter, fostering a playful and lighthearted connection.

These tips, inspired by the enduring marriage of Retta and Miguel Willis, provide a roadmap for building a strong and fulfilling marital relationship. Remember that marriage is a journey, not a destination. By investing time, effort, and love into your relationship, you can create a lasting bond that withstands the tests of time.


The exploration of "retta husband" reveals a strong and enduring marriage between actress and comedian Retta and businessman Miguel Willis. Their relationship is built on mutual respect, open communication, and unwavering support. They prioritize each other's dreams and well-being, creating a solid foundation for a lasting union.

The longevity of Retta and Miguel's marriage stands as a testament to the power of love, commitment, and the conscious effort required to maintain a healthy relationship. Their journey serves as an inspiration to others, demonstrating that strong marriages are possible with dedication, understanding, and a shared commitment to growth and happiness.


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-05-02